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What is a Distribution KDM (DKDM)

< 1 min read

A DKDM (Distribution Key Delivery Message), is a security passcode that enables post and finishing facilities to unlock DCPs within their mastering stations for the purposes of localizing content.

DKDMs are used for the exchange of encrypted DCPs between postproduction houses. Technically, there is not really a difference between a KDM and a DKDM. If the recitipient is a cinema, it’s called a KDM, if it’s another party involved in the postproduction, it’s called a DKDM. Processing DKDMs needs the same operation and security requirements that are used in the creation and operation of KDMs for the digital cinema.

DCP Maker enables to encrypt digital content and create KDMs and DKDMs for the transfer of digital cinema content to postproductions houses or cinemas.

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