Where applicable, DCP’s created in our lab meet the following industry standards, specifications and recommended practices:
Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) System Requirements and Specifications for Digital Cinema: https://www.dcimovies.com/specification/
ISDCF Industry Recommended Practice Technical Documents: https://www.isdcf.com/site/technical-docs/
SMPTE DCP Published and Draft Standards:
All DCPs are named according to: http://isdcf.com/dcnc/
In addition to the general guidelines of this section:
- Digital Cinema Distribution Master (DCDM) image conforms to SMPTE ST 428-1: 2019
- Digital Cinema Distribution Master (DCDM) sound conforms to SMPTE ST 428-2: 2006
Subtitles conform to SMPTE ST 428-7:2014 DCDM Subtitle specification
DCP Maker guarantees that the DCP created will meet the requirements of SMPTE ST 429-7:2006, ST 429-2:2020 and will be reproduced on equipment that meets Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) requirements and specifications. If the DCP does not meet the requirements of SMPTE ST 429-7:2006, ST 429-2:2020, we will refund your money.